Media Coverage
- Feature on Technology in Seattle
BBC Click, BBC World, June, 2008
- Tracking activity on a small scale with RFID
Frost & Sullivan Technical Insights, DATAWEEK, April 2, 2008
- UW team researches a future filled with RFID chips
Kristi Heim, The Seattle Times, March 31, 2008
- Tracking Technology in the Corridors of Learning
James Bloom, The Guardian, March 13, 2008
- Expérimenter un écosystème RFID
Hubert Guillaud, Internet ACTU.net, March 5, 2008
- Legislation To Regulate RFID Technology May Be First In Country (video also available here)
KIRO 7 Eleven at 11, KIRO-TV, February 28, 2008
~ News story on RFID legislation including demos and discussion on the RFID Ecosystem
- Komputer znajdzie twój zgubiony portfel
DZIENNIK.PL, February 25, 2008
- University Launches RFID People Tracking Experiment
RFID Update, February 22, 2008
- RFID Ecosystem Project
Noa Rotkop, The Future of Things, February 19, 2008
- Wearing Your Media on Your Sleeve
Paul Lamb, MediaShift Idea Lab, PBS, February 17, 2008
- Balancing Technology with Privacy
Up Front with Robert Mak, KING 5 TV, February 16, 2008
~ Documentary on RFID and privacy featuring interviews with Magdalena Balazinska and Gaetano Borriello
- Wearable Tags Test Privacy Boundaries at the U. of Washington
Randy Dotinga, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Information Technology, February 15, 2008
~ Story on the RFID Ecosystem and privacy research within the RFID Ecosystem project
- RFID-based world looming
Ilva Pieterse, ITWeb, February 14, 2008
- RFID University of Washington Project Focuses On Privacy
Laurie Sullivan, RFID World, February 14, 2008
~ News note on the RFID Ecosystem project with some details on system implementation
- Social Networks Move Into Meatspace with "RFID Ecosystem"
Alexis Madrigal, Wired Science, February 13, 2008
~ Blog post discussing the RFID Ecosystem and privacy research
- Study predicts the 'Internet of things'
United Press International, February 13, 2008
~ Short article on the RFID Ecosystem project
- Wireless Monitoring of People and Things: Future of Social Networking?
Science Daily, Science News, February 12, 2008
~ Story giving an overview of the RFID Ecosystem project in the Science Daily
- Future of social networking explored in UW's computer science building
Hannah Hickey, UW News, Feburary 12, 2008
~ UW News press release on the RFID Ecosystem project
- The 'Smart' Way to Travel -- But Is It Safe?
Aliya Sternstein, Digitocracy Digest, The National Journal, December, 2007
~ Story on privacy issues stemming from the Seattle area's RFID-enabled ORCA transit card system with quotes from Travis Kriplean
- Caution urged for licenses containing data chips
Kristi Heim, Business & Technology, The Seattle Times, July 20, 2007
~ Story on the ACLU-sponsored RFID Symposium with quotes from RFID Ecosystem group members
- Privacy concerns attached to RFID tags
Kristi Heim, Business & Technology, The Seattle Times, July 19, 2007
~ Announcing ACLU-sponsored RFID Symposium with participation from RFID Ecosystem group members
- What's New In Science
Tia Ghose, What's New In Science, The Daily, May 23rd, 2007
~ Features an interview with RFID Ecosystem group members on the RFID Ecosystem project