- Welbourne, E., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Fogarty, J.
Specification and Verification of Complex Location Events. Pervasive 2010 (to appear)
- Letchner, J. Re, C., Balazinska, M, Philipose, M.
Approximation Trade-Offs in a Markovian Stream Warehouse: An Empirical Study. ICDE 2010 (to appear)
- Letchner, J., Re, C., Balazinska, M., Philipose, M.
Lahar Demonstration: Warehousing Markovian Streams. VLDB 2009
- Welbourne, E., Koscher, K., Soroush, E., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G.
Longitudinal Study of a Building-Scale RFID Ecosystem. MobiSys 2009
- Letchner, J., Re, C., Balazinska, M., Philipose, M.
Access Methods for Markovian Streams, ICDE 2009
- Welbourne, E., Battle, L., Cole, G., Gould, K., Rector, K., Raymer, S., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G.
Building the Internet of Things Using RFID: The RFID Ecosystem Experience
IEEE Internet Computing, May/Jun. 2009.
- Letchner, J., Re, C., Balazinska, M.
Challenges for Event Queries over Markovian Streams.
IEEE Internet Computing Special Issue on Data Stream Management, Nov./Dec. 2008
- Borriello, G.
Invisible computing: automatically using the many bits of data we create.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Vol. 366, Number 1881. Oct. 2008
- Rastogi, V., Suciu, D., Welbourne, E.
Access Control Over Uncertain Data. VLDB 2008
- Welbourne, E., Cole, G., Khoussainova, N., Letchner, J., Li, Y., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Suciu, D.
Specification, Detection, and Notification of RFID Events with Cascadia (demo). MobiSys 2008.
- Welbourne, E., Khoussainova, N., Letchner, J., Li, Y., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Suciu, D.
Cascadia: A System for Specifying, Detecting, and Managing RFID Events. MobiSys 2008.
- Re, C., Letchner, J., Balazinska, M., Suciu, D. Event Queries on Correlated Probabilistic Streams
SIGMOD 2008.
- Khoussainova, N., Welbourne E., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Cole, G. Letchner, J., Re, C. Suciu, D., Walke, J.
A Demonstration of ScenicPeex Through a Digital Diary Application (demo). SIGMOD 2008.
- Khoussainova, N., Balazinska, M., Suciu, D. Probabilistic Event Extraction from RFID Data (poster). ICDE 2008.
- Rastogi, V., Welbourne, E., Khoussainova, N., Kriplean, T., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Kohno, T., Suciu, D.
Expressing Privacy Policies Using Authorization Views. Workshop on Ubicomp Privacy, Ubicomp 2007. Sep. 2007
- Kriplean, T., Welbourne, E., Khoussainova, N., Rastogi, V., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Kohno, T., Suciu, D.
Physical Access Control to Captured RFID Data. IEEE Pervasive, Sep. 2007.
- Welbourne, E., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., Brunette, W. Challenges for Pervasive RFID-based Infrastructures.
PERTEC 2007 Workshop on Pervasive RFID/NFC Technology and Applications, Mar. 19, 2007.
- Anokwa, Y., Borriello, G., Pering, T., Want, R. A User Interaction Model for NFC Enabled Applications.
PERTEC 2007 Workshop on Pervasive RFID/NFC Technology and Applications, Mar. 19, 2007.